Week 3: Understanding this Time -Knowing the Season

Family Time (15 mins)
  • Vision: Invite someone in your lifegroup to share what your Lifegroup’s vision means to them.
  • Connection Question: share a time that God surprised you in a way that built up your hope and faith in Him.
  • Announcements (see bottom of this doc)
  • Check-Ins: What's a win or something God did that you want to celebrate this week?

Worship (~10-15 mins)
  • You are Good - Israel Houghton 5 mins
  • Praise Before My Breakthrough - Katie and Bryan Torwalt 6 mins

Bible Study (30 mins)

This week's Scripture is quite a well known section from the Book of Isaiah, spoken to the people of Israel at a time when they experienced foreign hostility, occupation and exile. It is also an important verse that we believe God keeps bringing to the attention of our leaders at Epicentre, so we want to prayerfully read it to discern what God is saying to us through it. I deliberately picked a more fluid paraphrase (The Message), to help focus on the imagery that the Prophet is using in his announcement to his listeners, rather than getting bogged down on the meaning of specific words.
Have 2 different people read the Scripture out loud slowly. Encourage people to ‘listen’ at least once rather than reading along. This will make it easier to build a picture in your mind's eye of the imagery that the Prophet Isaiah is using. You could even have people draw out (or just describe)  the picture they have in their imagination as they listen to this passage.

Scriptures: Isaiah 54.1-3 (The Message)
““Sing, barren woman, who has never had a baby. Fill the air with song, you who’ve never experienced childbirth! You’re ending up with far more children than all those childbearing women.” GOD says so!
 “Clear lots of ground for your tents! Make your tents large. Spread out! Think big! Use plenty of rope, drive the tent pegs deep.
 You’re going to need lots of elbow room for your growing family. You’re going to take over whole nations; you’re going to resettle abandoned cities.”

  • As you contemplate the imagery in these verses, what feelings does it stir in you?
  • What questions arise for you from this passage?
  • How might a ‘barren woman’ (a woman who is unable to conceive a child) have felt hearing a message from God like this? How might that speak to the rest of us?
  • Is there something in particular that catches your attention in this passage?
  • What does this imagery reveal about God?

In smaller groups, discuss the following:
  • Is there an area of lack/ loss in your life that God wants to speak into?
  • Is there a promise God has given you that you do not yet see or even have faith for? How might this passage encourage you to respond in the meantime?
  • How might these Scriptures inform the way we are praying?
  • Take some time to pray with and for each other.

Announcements (5 mins)

Vision & Values (Saturday, Jan 27, 2-5:30 pm)
Vision & Values will give you a fuller picture of who we are, our history as a movement, and ways you can grow in your calling & purpose in our church family! It's also a time to connect with others in the class and hear testimonies of what God is doing in our church!  After attending Vision & Values, you can apply to become a church member, which means you can vote at our next membership meeting.

Connect Lunches (Sun. Jan 28 after service)
Hang out with other Epicentre folks for lunch after service! Come by the Connection Center right after service and find out what restaurants people will go to. It's a great, easy way to make new connections and enjoy a good meal.

All info at epicentre.org/events!