Training Schools

Discipleship School (Dschool)

Epicentre's Discipleship School is an intensive, 9-month adventure focused on living more like Jesus.

Our weekly classes are filled with worship & prayer, deeper dives into scripture, speakers helping us pursue discipleship with Jesus and various topics, and building intentional, spiritual friendships in small group settings.
Whether you are a college student, young adult, have young kids, or empty nester, and everything in between, we want to help you further understand what it looks like to pursue and follow Jesus through our Epicentre values of Encountering God, Changing the World, and Making Disciples. In this changing world, Dschool is an opportunity to learn how to pursue the heart of God for ourselves and for the people around us. Students will be trained and equipped to share the love of Jesus with people around them and minister wherever God has put them.
Additionally, you will also have the opportunity to partner with God in what He is doing through outreach. There will be chances to do outreach locally, and our school will culminate in a 2 week cross-cultural outreach in the months of May or June.
We’ll be launching our next school in mid September 2024 and applications will be open until through end of August. 
DSchool has been operating for over 10 years in Pasadena and 30+ years in the Antioch Movement, with the same consistent goal in mind: to train up Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40) and Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) disciples of Jesus – men and women who will love God wholeheartedly and who will submit their whole lives to His leadership and purposes.
The following list are some areas we will be covering during your time. Please read over these goals to make sure they are consistent with your own desires as you enter the school.

We want to grow as we personally ENCOUNTER GOD
Personal devotional life (Bible reading, worship, prayer)
Walking with Holy Spirit
Spiritual Warfare
Personal and relational wholeness
Learning how to live with a scriptural lens

We want to be equipped to CHANGE THE WORLD
Missional living
Marketplace Empowerment
Global and Local awareness

We want to learn to both be a disciple and MAKE DISCIPLES
General alignment to the life and teachings of Jesus and the scriptures
Global awareness
Financial Stewardship
Pursuing Unity in Community


This day school is ideal for those who are in transition (recent college grads, job changes, etc.), need more structure, or have more availability in the day. It will consist of a five month classroom portion that will prepare students through teachings in the morning and part-time work in the afternoon/evenings. It will be followed by an optional 6-month overseas outreach with one of our long-term church plants in the nations. While GoSchool is not currently taking new students, a new cohort will launch with enough interest.