Jesus said, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere...” Acts 1:8a NLT
We get to partner with the Holy Spirit to tell others about Jesus! Sharing how God has changed your life (your testimony) helps others see who really God is. Your testimony doesn’t need to be perfect or polished, it just needs to be yours! The more you practice, the more equipped you will feel when an opportunity comes.
Share Your Testimony PDF Handout
We get to partner with the Holy Spirit to tell others about Jesus! Sharing how God has changed your life (your testimony) helps others see who really God is. Your testimony doesn’t need to be perfect or polished, it just needs to be yours! The more you practice, the more equipped you will feel when an opportunity comes.
Share Your Testimony PDF Handout
Putting Your Story Together
Take some undistracted time to write down your testimony. Ask God to speak to you about particular stories to tell. Depending on who you share it with, you may highlight certain parts of your story or themes.
1.YOUR LIFE BEFORE JESUS | What was your life like before you knew Jesus? What were you focused on (ex: relationships, reputation, money), or what struggles were you stuck in? If you came to faith at a young age, what’s an area God transformed or healed later in life?
2. HOW YOU CAME TO JESUS | What was a defining moment or memory of how you chose to follow Jesus? (people praying for you, miracles, Bible stories, etc.) If you came to faith at a young age, what’s a more recent time Jesus met you?
3. YOUR LIFE AFTER JESUS | How has Jesus healed or changed you? (ex: forgiveness, peace, healing, etc.) What areas are you still working through that you continue to need Jesus’ help in?
See the example below to give you an idea of how to do it!
2. HOW YOU CAME TO JESUS | What was a defining moment or memory of how you chose to follow Jesus? (people praying for you, miracles, Bible stories, etc.) If you came to faith at a young age, what’s a more recent time Jesus met you?
3. YOUR LIFE AFTER JESUS | How has Jesus healed or changed you? (ex: forgiveness, peace, healing, etc.) What areas are you still working through that you continue to need Jesus’ help in?
See the example below to give you an idea of how to do it!

Your 15-Second Testimony
Use what you wrote above to craft your 15-second testimony. This version of your testimony can be used when you might not have as much time and it can lead to deeper conversations about Jesus.

1. INTRO: There was a time in my life when...
2. BEFORE JESUS: I was/felt... (ex: anxious, angry, fearful, addicted, alone, etc.)
3. THEN I MET JESUS & HE: What has he done for you? (ex: I felt Jesus’ love, when I surrendered to Jesus, he healed me, discovered God has a plan for my life, etc.)
4. AFTER JESUS: Jesus helped me to realize that I am... (ex: free, experience joy, healed)
5. ASK: Do you have a story like that? Is that something you’d like in your own life?
2. BEFORE JESUS: I was/felt... (ex: anxious, angry, fearful, addicted, alone, etc.)
3. THEN I MET JESUS & HE: What has he done for you? (ex: I felt Jesus’ love, when I surrendered to Jesus, he healed me, discovered God has a plan for my life, etc.)
4. AFTER JESUS: Jesus helped me to realize that I am... (ex: free, experience joy, healed)
5. ASK: Do you have a story like that? Is that something you’d like in your own life?