As we come together in community, there are many ways to connect. Check out some ideas below!

Doing connect questions isn't just to pass the time: it's a way to catalyze conversation where people get to know each other, spark common interests, and share what God is doing in our lives! These are just some examples, feel free to come up with your own! You can give people an amount of time to share (ie, share in a few sentences, in 1 minute, etc.) depending on your timing.
- What's something you're grateful for, and one thing you need from Jesus this week?
- What is your favorite place you've visited, and why?
- If you could describe the season you're in in a color, what would it be and why?
- What does your perfect day look like?
- What is your favorite restaurant and what do you like to get there?
- Tell us about a unique or quirky habit of yours.
- What is something on your bucket list that you haven’t done yet?
- What is your favorite movie genre to watch?
- Which song could you listen to over and over again?
- Do you know how to speak more than one language, and if so, who did you learn it from?
- What did you enjoy doing as a child, and is there anything similar to who you are now?
- What was the first way you made money?
- What's one topic/activity that you love that you could spend hours doing?
- Which fictional team is the best team of all time?
- What's one place you hope to visit one day?
- What was the first job you ever had?
- What is the first time you remember encountering God?
- What's the randomest thing in your car trunk?
- What was on the walls of your childhood bedroom?
- What is one high and (and optionally, one low point) of your week?
- What is your favorite foreign destination? What did you like, what was different or challenging about being there?
- If you were to plan your perfect vacation, what would you do?
- Who or what do you enjoy listening to? (you can be as deep or as light as you want in answering!)
- What activity have you been enjoying lately?
- What’s something or someone you like to learn about or learn from?
- What’s a piece of good advice someone has given you?
- What was the first job you ever had?
- When was the last time you felt swallowed by a fish? #jonah#overwhelmed
- What book(s) changed your life?
- What are you most looking forward to in this next season?
- Who or what do you enjoy listening to? (you can be as deep or as light as you want in answering!)
- What did you want to be when you grew up?
- What’s an interesting fact about you?
- What’s something you’re wanting to prioritize/make more time for in your life right now, and why?
- What’s something you love about the city you live in?
- What’s one of the best gifts you’ve ever received or given?\
- If you could live in one movie or television show, what would it be?
- Who is a leader you look up to, and why do you look up to them? (it can be someone you know, a famous or historical person, etc.!)
- Tell us about a unique or quirky habit of yours.
- If you could be transported into a story from the Bible, which one would it be?
- What time period would you live in if you could have lived at any time? Why?
Which biblical character (excluding Jesus) inspires you the most? - What city were you born in and what memories do you have of that place?
- If you were unlimited by money, where would you spend one week’s vacation? What would you like to be known for?
- If you could not fail, what would you do?
Sharing our Stories (Listening Activity)
Purpose: Especially if you are a newer group, this is an opportunity to hear from one another in a meaningful way. If you want everyone to get a chance to do this, consider doing this over multiple weeks, or in smaller groups.
Purpose: Especially if you are a newer group, this is an opportunity to hear from one another in a meaningful way. If you want everyone to get a chance to do this, consider doing this over multiple weeks, or in smaller groups.
- Break into groups of 3-4 people. Have one person take 10-15 minutes to share, “Tell us about a time you went through a major change or transition in your life. What was it like, and how did it feel?”
- And then afterwards, group members each respond. One shares a summary of what they heard, one shares what emotions they heard, one shares challenges, and one shares tensions. You can change it up as you like. If possible, have 1 person pray for the person who shared at the end.
Fun facts!
Get enough paper & pens for each person. Have everyone write 3 interesting/fun facts about themselves, but not write their name on it. Collect the papers, then pass out randomly. Have each person read what the paper they picked says, and then give them a chance to guess who wrote it. Then anyone can guess who it is. Then the person reveals themselves. Go around the circle till everyone has gone.
Get enough paper & pens for each person. Have everyone write 3 interesting/fun facts about themselves, but not write their name on it. Collect the papers, then pass out randomly. Have each person read what the paper they picked says, and then give them a chance to guess who wrote it. Then anyone can guess who it is. Then the person reveals themselves. Go around the circle till everyone has gone.
Using Visual Images to Share
You can borrow a pack of Soul Shepherding "visual devotional cards," which you can use in your group that prompt spiritual conversation. It includes all kinds of interesting photos that can spark a deep and out of the box conversation. Reach out to Ruth Lam if you would like to borrow this set of cards.
You can borrow a pack of Soul Shepherding "visual devotional cards," which you can use in your group that prompt spiritual conversation. It includes all kinds of interesting photos that can spark a deep and out of the box conversation. Reach out to Ruth Lam if you would like to borrow this set of cards.

- Group message chat (for praise reports, prayer requests).
- Get meals together or picnic after service or during the week.
- Group retreats (could stay local or go somewhere together).
- Game nights.
- Taco crawls.
- Join a Sunday Serve Team together (Setup, Takedown, Kingdom Kids, etc.)
- Go on an outreach trip together.
- Take a day where everyone practices sabbath together: phones off, rest, no chores, order food in, connect with each other.
- Brainstorm with others in your group. And if you notice someone in the group is really good at gathering/connecting others, ask them to lead an activity!
Photo Credit: Helena Lopes, Mason Dahl