Oikos Prayer Map
Our prayers are powerful! Praying helps us partner with what God is already doing. It helps sets things in motion, moves peoples’ hearts, and so much more! Your prayers are one the greatest tools you can use to see God change the people and circumstances around you!
Watch this 3-minute video to help you learn how to make a prayer map:
Watch this 3-minute video to help you learn how to make a prayer map:
What is an “Oikos''? - a Greek word translated as “household” or “family” in the Bible. An oikos is your web of community connections (friends, family, coworkers, people you see regularly, neighbors, etc.). Create an oikos prayer map to help you intentionally pray for people in your life, especially those who don’t know Jesus.
How to make an Oikos Prayer Map:
How to make an Oikos Prayer Map:
- Write your name in the middle.
- Ask God to highlight people in your community you can regularly pray for. Write down and circle their names, then draw lines to your name.
- Who do they know that you can pray for too? (their family members, good friends, etc.)
- Write a star by people who have never heard of Jesus, or don’t currently have a personal relationship with Him.
- Put your prayer map somewhere you’ll see everyday as a reminder to pray for them.
Print your own here: Prayer Map PDF