Encounter God
Make Disciples
Change the World

Join us for Hour of Power (Virtual Prayer Room) as we pray for our city, our nation, and the nations of the Earth!

Monday-Friday | 12-1 PM

Join by phone by calling 16699009128 and use meeting id: 669332892.


Join as we read through the book of Luke this summer!
Follow us on Instagram for devos, insights, and challenges.
Epicentre was planted in 2003 believing that the church, as a community of gathered followers of Jesus Christ, is the hope of the world. We believe in the centrality of the Bible, our deep need for transformation by Jesus and the Holy Spirit, as well as the call for us to engage in the needs of our world with compassionate and constructive action. We’ve planted churches locally in Southern California and have church members catalyzing church planting movements and serving the underserved in Asia, Africa, South America, Europe and the Middle East.
We’re blessed to be part of the Antioch International Movement of Churches, a family of 31 churches in the US that has sent out 70 church planting teams to 35 countries in the world. The mission of Antioch Churches is to minister the love of Jesus Christ to unreached peoples of the world by meeting their practical needs, training believers to minister, and establishing church