Found Week 3
Family Time (15 mins)
Worship (-15 mins)
Bible Study (30 mins)
If we want to see Biblical things happen, we need to live Biblically. This week will learn about prayer from the book of Acts.
Have each group share their findings with the larger group. After each group shares, discuss the following:
Looking Forward
Go back into your small groups and have each small group pray/intercede using the things they discussed. We want to be a people who choose to pray in our everyday situations of life, and depend on God to move.
World Mandate LA (Nov. 11)
We're excited for our 2nd World Mandate LA, hosted at the same place as last year in East LA! It’s going to be an amazing time to connect with our 6 Antioch churches in Southern California, be envisioned for what God’s doing in the nations, and worship Jesus together! Learn more & register at
Join a Kingdom Kids Serve Team!
God is doing some amazing things with our kids. We would love to invite you to join a monthly Kingdom Kids team: we have openings in all classes from Infants to 3rd-5th. This is an awesome way to grow in your own faith and be in community while serving and loving the next generation! We ask that you be a part of our church for six months before signing up. Go to to sign up, or email
Membership Meeting 10/15: This year's annual membership meeting will be on Sunday, October 15th right after service. We will highlight the past year, share our plans for the coming year and vote on the 2024 budget. Everyone (not just members) are welcome to join, and members will vote at the end.
Mei-Leng from Asia Sharing 10/9: Mei Leng is a long time friend of Epicentre who has lived in Asia for the last 8 years. She’s passionate about providing good care/therapy for those doing ministry in Asia. She’s not often here, so this is a special opportunity to hear from her on Monday October 9, 7-9pm at our church office.
To learn more about all of these events, head to!
Family Time (15 mins)
- Vision: Invite someone in your Lifegroup to share what your Lifegroup’s vision means to them.
- Connection Activity: Share your experiences of asking for something that depended on someone else’s generosity - what did you receive? How generous were people? How did that make you feel?
- Announcements (see bottom of this doc)
- Check-Ins: life updates, praise reports, etc.
Worship (-15 mins)
- Here for You - Matt Redman
- Jesus We Love - Paul McClure
Bible Study (30 mins)
If we want to see Biblical things happen, we need to live Biblically. This week will learn about prayer from the book of Acts.
- Split your group into 3 or 4 smaller groups (depending on how many people you have).
- Assign each group one of the following passages:
- Acts 1:21-26 (the apostles pray to discern a replacement for Judas)
- Acts 4:23-31 (the believers pray for boldness)
- Acts 12:5-17 (believers pray for Peter’s release from prison)
- Acts 20:36-21:6 (Paul leaves the Ephesians and sails to Tyre)
- Have each group read through their passage and reflect on the following questions:
- What does this passage tell us about the kind of situations in which people choose to pray?
- What does this passage tell us about how people pray in those situations?
- What happens as a result of prayer?
- How does this passage help you to pray?
Have each group share their findings with the larger group. After each group shares, discuss the following:
- What does this mean for us? (As a lifegroup and a church.)
- As a lifegroup: How do we want to pray more ‘biblically’? What are one or two practical things we do?
- As part of a church: How can we respond to start to see our church family live more ‘biblically’?
Looking Forward
Go back into your small groups and have each small group pray/intercede using the things they discussed. We want to be a people who choose to pray in our everyday situations of life, and depend on God to move.
World Mandate LA (Nov. 11)
We're excited for our 2nd World Mandate LA, hosted at the same place as last year in East LA! It’s going to be an amazing time to connect with our 6 Antioch churches in Southern California, be envisioned for what God’s doing in the nations, and worship Jesus together! Learn more & register at
Join a Kingdom Kids Serve Team!
God is doing some amazing things with our kids. We would love to invite you to join a monthly Kingdom Kids team: we have openings in all classes from Infants to 3rd-5th. This is an awesome way to grow in your own faith and be in community while serving and loving the next generation! We ask that you be a part of our church for six months before signing up. Go to to sign up, or email
Membership Meeting 10/15: This year's annual membership meeting will be on Sunday, October 15th right after service. We will highlight the past year, share our plans for the coming year and vote on the 2024 budget. Everyone (not just members) are welcome to join, and members will vote at the end.
Mei-Leng from Asia Sharing 10/9: Mei Leng is a long time friend of Epicentre who has lived in Asia for the last 8 years. She’s passionate about providing good care/therapy for those doing ministry in Asia. She’s not often here, so this is a special opportunity to hear from her on Monday October 9, 7-9pm at our church office.
To learn more about all of these events, head to!