Discipleship Guides 

Week 8: Making Disciples

  • Vision: this is a space for us to encounter God together, help each other follow Jesus,  and invite others to do the same. 
  • Check in: How have you been doing this week? Where have you seen God move? What’s been challenging? 
  • Following Jesus & inviting others:  How has God's Word been impacting you? How are you letting God work through you to draw others closer to him?

  • Discovery Bible Study:  Matthew 28:18-20
    • Have members summarize or retell the story in their own words. 
    • What stands out to me from this passage?
    • What do I learn about God?
    • What do I learn about people or myself?
    • What might God want to say to me through this passage?
    • What would it look like to put this into practice this week? Is God asking me to do something as a result of this passage?

  • Practice & Application: What does it look like to make disciples?
  • Prayer: Create a map that shows the people in your life you want to be praying for regularly (see example below). Examples: people you see regularly at work, neighborhood, gym, etc. 
    • Who are the people I know need to encounter God?
    • When specifically will I pray for these people? 
Commissioning: Who can I invite into a discipleship relationship with me?