Discipleship Guides 

Week 7: Walking with the Spirit

  • Vision: this is a space for us to encounter God together, help each other follow Jesus,  and invite others to do the same. 
  • Check in: How have you been doing this week? Where have you seen God move? What’s been challenging? 
  • Following Jesus & inviting others:  How has God's Word been impacting you? How are you letting God work through you to draw others closer to him?

Discovery Bible Study: Acts 1:4-5; 8 and Acts 19:1-6
  • Have members summarize or retell the story in their own words. 
  • What stands out to me from this passage? 
  • What do I learn about God? 
  • What do I learn about people or myself? 
  • What might God want to say to me through this passage? 
  • What would it look like to put this into practice this week? Is God asking me to do something as a result of this passage? 

  • Practice & Application: We see in these passages that after a water baptism, there is also a baptism of the Holy Spirit. Lay hands on each other and ask Holy Spirit to come in power and fill each person in your group. Afterwards, debrief this time with your group.
  • A common question that might be asked is, “How do I know I’ve received the Holy Spirit?” 
    • For some, there will be manifestations like tongues, prophetic words, or an internal sense of comfort or warmth.
    • For others though, they may experience no signs at all, but they can receive in faith that the Holy Spirit is in them. 
    • Process together and know that as we ask, the Spirit wants to come and give us power to be witnesses this week. It may come in different and unexpected ways: be encouraged that the Holy Spirit is in and with you!
    • Commit this week to daily asking the Holy Spirit to fill you, and as you do, look for ways that Holy Spirit might move in your life and ways in which Holy Spirit is prompting you to help others encounter God. 
  • Prayer: Pray for one another in the areas God is speaking. 
  • Commissioning: Ask for an increased boldness to witness to people around you. 

For deeper exploration of the Holy Spirit, consider reading through the book of Acts together. Additionally, there are many books that can help us understand more about Holy Spirit. Some suggestions are Forgotten God by Francis Chan, Spirit Walk by Steve Smith, or Surprised by the Power of the Spirit by Jack Deere.
Photo by City Church LA.