Philippians Devos

Week Four, Day 1 - Philippians 4:1-3 | Steadfastness and Unity

Philippians 4:1-3 (hyperlink)
In this passage, Paul is addressing the church in Philippi, encouraging them to stand firm in their faith and to maintain unity within the church. He addresses two women, Euodia and Syntyche, who were having a disagreement that was causing division within the church. Paul urges them to reconcile and work towards peace, reminding them of their shared commitment to Christ. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining unity within the church, as it is a reflection of Christ's love and grace.

Paul reminds the church in Philippi, and us, of the importance of unity within the church. It is easy to get caught up in our differences, disagreements and opinions. The Apostle Paul reminds us throughout the book of Philippians that like-mindedness and unity does not necessarily mean we agree on everything but  rather are called to put aside our own desires and work towards a common goal. It’s our shared commitment to Christ and focus on Him that unites us rather than what divides us. 

As we strive to live out our faith, let us remember to work towards peace and unity, and to always keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.

  • What stands out to you from this text?
  • Are there any places within the body of Christ that you feel disunified?
  •  Are there any members in the body you need to reconcile with this week?
  • What does it look like to put aside your own desires and pursue unity?

Lord, thank you for your invitation to pursue unity and like-mindedness in your body. Holy Spirit would you search me and see if there are any places of disunity in me. Help me to set aside my own desires and pursue unity with my brothers and sisters.