Core Lesson 5 - Reflect on WHat GOd did through your Easter Brunch!
Congratulations on completing your Easter Brunch! It's important to celebrate and process all God did in and through us!
Worship (~15 mins)
- Family Time (5 mins)Vision: Invite someone in your lifegroup to share what your Lifegroup’s vision means to them.
- Connect Question: what was your highlight from this past Easter weekend?
- Announcements: Please go to to see upcoming events.
- Reflection:
- (Make note of specific ways God answered your prayers for your Brunch and specific guests!)
- What have you learned about God over the last few weeks?
- Reflect as a group: What did you notice about how your lifegroup came together to do this?
- Celebrate one another! What can you affirm about specific people in your group on how they jumped in and used their gifts?
- What was encouraging, both before and during the Brunch?
- What was challenging? Is there something that can be changed/improved for the future?
Worship (~15 mins)
- A Thousand Hallelujahs - Brooke Ligetrwood (5 mins)
- Happy Day - Tim Hughes (3 mins)
- This is How I Thank the Lord - Mosaic MSC (4 mins)
- Pray as a large group or by splitting into smaller groups:
- Thank God for what He’s done.
- Pray that God would continue His work in and through us
- Pray that these Easter Brunches would be markers in our people, and that we’d continue to grow in our identity as salt & light.
- And pray for the people we’ve invited to Easter weekend!
- Next Steps with Guests:
- Follow up with guests. Any baptism/discipleship relationship follow up? Discipleship doesn’t have to be only for people who accepted Christ, but it could be with people who are open and still seeking!
- Fill out a Brunch Debrief Form for church.
- Includes: total number of attendees, how many guests, how was gospel shared, anyone accepted Christ, anyone received prayer, etc...(please complete within the first week after brunch).
- Send pictures or videos to