Looking back at this last season and thanking God for what’s happened
It’s important to reflect along the way with your co-leaders about how your group is doing and where you’re headed. Consider taking time to gather and hear from each other about these questions when you anticipate a break or natural transition. Feel free to choose the ones you want to focus on.

Want to print to go over together? Check out the Google doc version here.
Reflecting on this last season
  • What words of identity or encouragement is God speaking to you as a leader personally?
  • What can we celebrate? What have we learned?
  • How has our faith been stirred up?
  • What’s been challenging? (Any challenges you’re feeling with co-leaders or group members that we need to address?)

  • What is God saying to us for this next season of Lifegroup? 
  • Do any of us need to step down or re-evaluate our role? Are there any potential leaders we want to invite to pray about becoming a leader?
  • What are our priorities? Are there 1-2 things we want to lead our Lifegroup into?
  • Is there anything the church at large is focused on right now that we want to align more with? 

Pastoral Care
  • Is there anyone that needs extra pastoral care or support this season? If so, how can we best support them? (You are always welcome to reach out to your coach or Lifestage pastor if you need guidance on how to support a group member in need.) 

Growth & Developing New Leaders
  • Where do we feel we are at in the Lifegroup growth process? (Planting, Sprouting, or Multiplying)
  • Pray and think: are there any committed group members we want to invite into being a possible leader (aka “Interning leader”)? If so, which of us will reach out to them? 
  • What are ways we can keep empowering our group members to actively participate?