Change the World: Pray - Serve - Give - Go
Changing the World can be as simple as serving locally together, or praying for each other to impact the places we live and work. If you have ways or best practices for how your Lifegroup serves, we'd love to hear your idea here!

- Pray for one of our International Church Planters! You can change the world without leaving your living room! Commit to loving & praying for one of our 10+ international teams, located in Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Europe! Sign up here.
- Pray for each others' workplaces & neighborhoods: organize a prayer walk or keep a running list of ways you are specifically praying for each others' workplaces and lives.
- Sunday Serve Teams - as a Lifegroup, you can partner together on Setup, Takedown, in Kingdom Kids, Welcome team, or Production team. It's a way to bless our whole church!
- Serve locally: consider volunteering with Door of Hope, Union Station Homeless services, or doing a food or donation drive for Mano O Mano, a Pasadena ministry that gives food to families in need.


Pray together as a Lifegroup about who or what you can give financially to. This could be an overseas worker, Acts of Mercy's relief efforts, a local ministry or non-profit, or a way to meet the needs of someone in your group or a group member who knows someone in need. Check out our list of ways to give here.
Consider going on a local or international impact trip together! Reach out to Ruth Lam for more details or fill out this form!