Week 3, Day 2 | Philippians 3:12-14

Philippians 3:12-14 [hyperlink]


Do you ever feel tired of the mundane? Paul encourages the Philippians to press on towards what God has placed before them. He even places a direction of the call: “heavenward.” Friends, we are called heavenward. The things we do today, whether significant or insignificant, mundane or miraculous, are all for a purpose. Be encouraged. There is a bigger story that we are a part of; sometimes we could get lost in the day in’s and day out’s and forget that. But, Paul's words encourage us to “strain” towards what is ahead. Yes, sometimes what is ahead is difficult. But it is not in vain. We are running heavenward.

  • What stands out to you from the text?
  • What do you feel like the Lord has placed in front of you in this season of life?
  • How can you invite others to support you in that and encourage you to press forward?

God, thank you for your wisdom. Even when I don’t feel it, or see it, I know that what you have placed in front of me to steward is good. Give me the strength, through your Holy Spirit, to continue to press towards the goal you have set for me. Give me the endurance I need and remind me that it is all not in vain. I know that you not only place goals before me, but you also walk with them towards the goals. Continue to walk with me as I run heavenward. Amen.