Week 2, Day 6 Philippians 2:19-24

Philippians 2:19-24 [hyperlink]

Belonging to Spiritual Family

Have you ever had someone in your life who just keeps showing up for you? They cheer you on and encourage you no matter what you are going through. Timothy was a man like that. And Timothy genuinely cared for the wellbeing of the Philippians. Paul considers Timothy to be like a son to him.  Timothy has faithfully served Paul and his mission. He has been discipled by Paul. Paul never writes about having disciples; rather he always uses the language of family - of fathers and sons.

Our commitment to making disciples is not simply a numbers game - for Paul it is about spiritual fathers & mothers raising spiritual sons & daughters, who will learn from them how to do the work of our Father’s Kingdom.

  • Who do you look to as a spiritual father and mother? 
  • And who might look to you to be a spiritual father or mother to them? 
  • Ask God to show you how He is calling you to be part of the family of God.

Heavenly Father, you place the lonely in families; you send the Spirit of Adoption to us so that we can enter into your family as sons and daughters - as co-heirs with Christ. Move us to serve our family (biological and spiritual) with tender hearted compassion like Timothy.
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