Week 2, Day 5 Philippians 2:17-18

Philippians 2:17-18 [hyperlink]

Joy Poured Out

Paul tells us something astonishing in today's reading: he speaks of joy in his sacrifice and suffering for the sake of the Gospel. He even invites the Philippians to rejoice with him that his sacrifices are all worthwhile because of the faith that has grown among this church in Philippi.

Paul is so focused on his mission to share the Gospel that he measures his success not by his circumstance (he is writing from prison) or his well being (he has suffered much hardship) but by the lasting fruit of his labors. He rejoices that God is receiving the glory and fruit of his faithfulness to Jesus. I think of Jesus the true Vine bearing much fruit through Paul, who has been pruned repeatedly but consistently grown and brought forth fruit because he has remained focused on Jesus through all his trials. His attitude is an inspiration for each of us today to keep our focus on Jesus and the assignment he has given us and to rejoice that God will receive the fruit of our labor.

  • Reflect on who has suffered and sacrificed in order for you to enjoy the freedom and faith that you experience today.
  • How is God calling you to make sacrifices for the sake of others?

Heavenly Father, give me a compelling vision of your Kingdom and glory that moves me from self-preservation mode to Kingdom proclamation mode. Thank you that the prize for running this race is of eternal value. Captivate my heart for fruit that will last. Amen.
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