Week 2, Day 3 Philippians 2:8-11

Philippians 2:8-11

An Unexpected Hero: Countercultural Jesus

Heroes are big business these days and they have a special place in the American narrative. Superman, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Wonderwoman. They all overcome their ill-intentioned opponents to bring peace and restore order. In the days of Paul, the heroes were conquering Kings like Alexander the Great and Caesar Augustus whose battle victories and political prowess earned them divine status among their followers.
When Paul writes about Jesus humbling himself and being obedient to death on a cross, he is showing how Jesus’ King-ship is unlike any other ‘victorious’ kings of his day. And Jesus did not fly around using ‘superpowers’ to achieve his mission. Instead Jesus has acted with the greatest power that exists: sacrificial love. Jesus’ sacrificial love has caused God to exalt Jesus above every name on heaven and earth. Jesus' way was counter cultural 2000 years ago and remains counter cultural today. Will we choose to walk in his way?

  • What do you find most counter-cultural about the way of Jesus?
  • Jesus was exalted by His Father for His obedience. How is God asking you to be obedient today?

Jesus, you have been exalted to the highest place and given the name above every other name. Today, I bow my knee before you and acknowledge your Kingship. I confess with my mouth that you are Lord to the glory of God our Father.
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