Week 2, Day 2 Philippians 2:5-7

Philippians 2:5-7

Christlike Servanthood & Humility

In our reading today, Paul outlines for us the Christlike mindset which he is calling us to. The NIV says Jesus did not use his equality with God to his own advantage. Another translation says equality with God was not something Jesus ‘grasped for’. Instead He yielded to God’s mission by taking on the nature of servant. Jesus himself told his disciples that He ‘came to serve not to be served’. Following on from yesterday’s call to humility, Paul is calling us to become Christlike servants who do not grasp at power for ourselves. Sometimes I realize that even my service can be selfishly motivated by what I can get out of it: this is not the way for Christlike servants.

  • How is Jesus inviting you to become a servant?
  • What kinds of power do you find yourself ‘grasping for’?
  • Listen to what Jesus might want to say to you.

Jesus, thank you for your self-emptying love. Grant me the faith to find my security in your love without needing to grab for power to establish myself. Thank you that you have given us the example of what a servant of God looks like. I put my trust in you today. Amen.
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