Week 2, Day 1 Philippians 2:1-4

Philippians 2:1-4 [hyperlink]

Valuing Others Above Ourselves

Paul calls the Philippians to demonstrate their unity in Christ by being ‘one in spirit and of one mind’. This singular focus is extremely difficult to achieve in any community and does not necessarily mean that we must all be ‘brainwashed’ into group-think. Rather, Paul is calling the church in Philippi to set their focus on Christ, His love and the Holy Spirit. This requires them to get their attention off themselves and onto something outside of themselves. They are challenged to set aside their own interests and to value others above themselves. This is a radical call to humility -  the kind that Jesus modeled to us.
Rick Warren wrote that ‘humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less’. We live in a self-obsessed culture - Paul would call us to counter cultural living focused on others and centered on Christ’s love.

  • How often do you make choices based on thinking about yourself compared to thinking about others?
  • How might focusing on Jesus, His love and His Spirit shape the way you act towards your community?
  • How might Jesus want to meet you in the areas of your life that you feel obsessed with?

Jesus, help me to lift my gaze off myself and onto your splendor and love. I receive you tender compassion afresh today. Fill me with your selfless love and open my eyes today to see who you would lead me to show value to before myself. Amen.
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