3 Core Elements of Lifegroup
There are 3 main elements of Lifegroup, sometimes called the “Three Thirds” Model: Look Back, Look Up, and Look Forward. You can use this format to adapt and plan. Think about how to empower group members to lead each part.

1. Look Back
- Vision: what is the vision of your Lifegroup? Why are we meeting? (you can have the person share how this vision has impacted them, or be specific in how you live out the vision).
- Overview: what you’re going to do tonight. Do an intro prayer inviting the Holy Spirit to guide/lead you.
- Announcements: you can find out churchwide announcements at epicentre.org/lifegroup-resources at the bottom of each lesson.
- Connect
- Do an activity that helps us get to know each other on a deeper level. It can be a game or a question.
- 5 Min Sharing: Ahead of time (or spontaneously), ask sometime to share how God has been speaking to them recently.
2. Look up
- Worship/Prayer
- Beforehand, ask God for a theme or songs to focus on, and be ready to share this vision.
- You can do live worship, or play youtube videos, or choose another way to center the group on God (examples: art activity, other art forms, etc.)
- God's Word: We meditate and learn from God's Word as a way to hear from God and commit to let his words impact our lives! You can choose to do Lectio divina, DBS, inductive, theme studies, or other ways. Ask other Lifegroups what they've done if you want ideas.
3. Look Forward
- Respond:
- What did God speak to you? How do you want to respond? Commit to next steps
- Pray for each other and those in our sphere of influence (oikos): family, friends, coworkers, etc.